Why is it that every job I have starts of great, but then inevitiably turns into a boring grind?

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    There are moments when I think there's something wrong with me
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    Stop playing wow and get a real job you lazy fuck!
    -Ur mom
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    When you take these jobs are you honestly excited about the companies?
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    What's the common denominator?
    You! 👍

    Once you find your rhythm at a job, start looking for ways to take on new responsibilities or tasks. Helps keep things interesting.
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    You become too good at it so it gets boring.
    - said no one ever
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    I've always felt/thought that once a job gets boring it's because of two big factors:

    1. You've learned the majority of what that job is going to teach you, or you've ingrained the processes of that particular job. So nothing new and exciting.

    2. You aren't doing what YOU love. (Like a project/idea that you are developing from the ground up.) You're working on someone else's project or idea.

    Plus any number of small factors... Like PM's.
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    @zymk well said!
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    @zymk yup true story... Someone else's idea and PMs 😒
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    People don't quit their jobs. They quit their managers.
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    Excitement comes when you are about to live something you never experienced before, like when you were kid or when you got a first date. If you can forsee what you will experience or get repeated then excitement is gone
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