Just switched to Kotlin.. For the first like 10 minutes I was like "What is this shit?!" and then I found Java to Kotlin converter and docs. Yay! Looks like it´s not gonna be that hard to do some apps in it.. Hopefully

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    Why not just do it in Java then? They're interoperable...you're not gonna learn the language nor get any extra benefit just by auto-converting it, are you? (honest question)
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    @Shodan I was just, idk, Happy? That I Can try Kotlin, but Im swotching to IntelliJ IDEA because Im having still lot of issues with Android Studio. So yea, going back to Java

    Btw, welcome to devRant! 😃
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    @ttomovcik Thanks :) I asked the question because I might be starting to learn Kotlin soon and I have no desire to go back to Java (been coding C# for a few years now), so I was wondering if it was worth it as they make it sound. Good luck with your apps!
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    Kotlin is the shit folks. Give it a week to get over some of the weird syntax like inline constructors, but holy hell is it worth it once you get into it. A piece of advice though; convert your data/entity classes to Kotlin first, otherwise all those nullable fields are going to break your non null Kotlin codebase.
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