
As soon as someone watches me code over my shoulder my IQ drops by 50%

  • 5
    And productivity by 69%
  • 14
    And I can go from typing 90 words per minute down to about 12 and an error in every word...
  • 12
    Same here. Conversely, I can spend a couple of hours trying to find s bug, and the moment I ask someone else to look over my shoulder, it comes jumping off the screen with flashing lights and sirens proclaiming, "How could you have missed me? I'm so basic and so obvious!"
  • 2
    Same here except i forget how to human and enter a catatonic state.
  • 0
    I have an technic for this: consoles.
    You can make updates, compile something or play doom.(I have some colleages that hate consoles)
  • 0
    Hahaha one hour ago, I was experiencing the very same thing, i couldn't even wrote the object syntax of js correctly without 3 times deleting 😃
  • 1
  • 0
    Exactly what happens to me
  • 2
    One way to get over this can be to record yourself working through a problem out loud. Can really change the way people see you, when you can see what they see.
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    I just take a deep breath in and out loud enough for them to hear it and play the staring at the screen game till unwanted human being is gone 😒

    And if they start asking I suddenly remember I need to visit WC hoping they understand I don't want to interact nor accept its existence over my shoulder 😒😒
  • 0
    @th0s welcome!
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