
*if any body knows how can I fix this then please tell me *please😣😣😣
me: - After doing all fucking homework of my school in 2 days I finally sat in front my computer for learning new stuff but what android studio decided for me 😣
*These are auto generated codes how can it be wrong. *
android studio :-

  • 2
    Did you already try invalidating the cache and restarting it?
  • 3
    Make sure not to touch the auto generated hidden folders and the most important R.java
  • 0
    Using a computer, seems to bei a dev, can't take a screenshot, why? 😦
  • 0
    Eww.. Light theme...
  • 0
    Thanks @stefano it worked I tried so many stuffs for hours but forgot to click that single button 😥.

    @CozyPlanes thanks for your solution I will take care not to touch that part.
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