oh microsoft...

you used to put the artifacts in


now you just put them in


fucking garbage thanks for the heads up

it's golang from here on out

go run main.go && echo 'byebye fucksticks'

  • 2
    We have a new system being proposed and the devs want dotnet. Fucking idiots. Dotnet is the worst. Pick literally anything that isn’t going to be a fight.
  • 0
    Maybe I just didn't work with it enough to notice the problems but .NET to me was always the safe boring option, the ecosystem which literally never broke at the cost of lackluster abstractions and hills of boilerplate that seem unbearable from anywhere other than Java.
  • 3
    Except for the part where thanks to lame abstractions ASP's URL parser encodes fields of a struct array as
    so passing 64 bytes worth of flags in the GET params is guaranteed to produce an URL too long for the browser.
  • 0
    @lorentz “when I worked with it”

    She wasn’t exciting when she was young and worse is the old gal didn’t age well.

    Issues are not at implementation time with dotnet. They build with time.
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