What would you do if your boss finds out what's your devRant username? 😂

  • 4
    Kill them, its the only way to be safe.
  • 0
    run behind @Jiliano and grab some popcorns
  • 6
    ---------> @boss <-----------

    Find new job @b1tnuk3d
  • 4
    I guess he would ask: why the fuck you using a girly name.
    Me: so you can't figure out it's me?
    Him: it didn't work you moron, did it?
  • 1
    Nothing and see what may come as a result.
  • 1
    I am gonna ask his devRant id and probably gonna take revenge on him using another id. 😎
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    @PrasanthReddy i like that. 😂
  • 1
    Congratulate him on finding something awesome, vacation, and job hunt.
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