Everything behaves like it was created with a human as an afterthought, so it torments people and target audience are masochists. This whole ecosystem is an abomination of the software world.

Every fucking error has a thousand possible solutions for every single person AND NOT A SINGLE ONE WORKS!!!

The stupid thing will just keep throwing its internal problems in a stack DUMP DIARRHEA that you have to sort through to find anything remotely useful! I DON’T give a fuck about your stupid internal implementation, just tell me what the fuck you want!

And you have to play the guess game and find the right combination of their stupid little configurations to make it barely work. I couldn’t believe reading stackoverflow, people are just poking at it hoping it will work. And I’m literally stuck and can’t fix the damn thing no mater what I do, and I’m abandoning it.

I won’t touch this pice of shit with a twenty meter pole ever again! Last time I was this frustrated was the stupid java ee. Nothing in the software world has frustrated me this much. How does one even come up with this…
I’m done… I’m just done…

  • 4
    Convention over configuration works until the default configuration you have for a convention doesnt work as a good configuration for you, then you'll realize why configuration over convention took precedence to begin with. They call it Enterprise software, because like star trek, you are going on a LONG journey of discovery, that may result in you being maimed, dying, or being infested with alien brain parasites (scala) and going insane but liking it so much that you never return from your voyage.
  • 1
    @Wisecrack There, I called it - for masochists! You should also realize this is the dev rant forum, not apologetics for BS :)
  • 0
    Ah, java ee… good old times.
  • 0
    For once, YouTube recommended me the right thing.
  • 0
    @littlesparrow apologetics is adjacent to ranting.
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