
"The systems engineering team has vaulunteered to..."

Entire systems engineering team - "we what?"

  • 7
    hey guys let's add some possible answers 😜

    The systems engeering team has volonteered to... clean the office on the weekends.
  • 4

    In this case it was to clean up some dbs lol.
  • 5
    The systems engineering team has volunteered to ... sponsor the next kegger...
  • 4
    The systems engineering team has volonteered to... visit my mother in the home for the elderly and have a chat with her.
  • 6
    The sytems engineering team has volunteered to... Use internet explorer during the summer
  • 2
    Giggled hard 😄
  • 3
    Systems engineering team has volountiereaud to use tabs instead of spaces
  • 1
    @rk720 I vultuered this in laughter
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