
Anyone actually using vim/emacs as their primary dev environment ?

  • 3
    Too many people.
  • 2
    A lot...
  • 0
    Vim is great for editing scripts on servers. That's pretty much it
  • 1
    Hell yea vim for everything
  • 0
    Here. Me and my colleague (Vim).
  • 0
    I wanted to and tried to, but the feature set of Jetbrains IDEs are too powerful to neglect.
    I've configured PyCharm with a keyboard shortcut to open a terminal with vim opening the current file on the current line, for when I need advanced editing features like macros or any of tpope's great plugins
  • 0
    Nano, fuckers.
  • 0
    Yes, and Im so obsessed with vim xD
  • 1
    Vim is my lord
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