
People with 250+ '++' should be given up votes without even reading the rant just to push them up to 500. They are under a lot of stress whether their rant will reach 500 or not. To reduce that stress, they need that ball.

Now that this is said up vote this post so that everyone can get notified about this message(totally not because I want that ball 😜)

  • 6
    Hmmm. Let's see.

  • 6
    Let me think.

  • 0
    You guys do realise that this is a joke right. @Kimmax and why posting the same comment again. Is 2 ur @luckyNmber ? This guy gets it @Jilano
  • 1
    @boss You do your kind of jokes, I do mine. Also I don't see a double comment of mine anywhere
  • 0
    @Kimmax then stop getting butt hurt on jokes. Don't like it -> ignore/ down vote.
    And btw that same comment line isnt for you. So cheer up and have a great day.
  • 1
    @boss oh. Okay. Whups. Annnnd your shitrant is at 0.
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