
Hm... Sounds familiar and works pretty well I think? 😀

Imagine a local pizzeria is seeking a $200,000 bank loan to expand its business. Usually, if a bank accepts, the loan is provided with interest. This is a risk for the pizzeria, because if it can’t pay back the loan with interest, the business could suffer or close altogether.

There are other options, though. Imagine instead if the bank offered the pizzeria a $100,000 loan, and required it to raise the rest within the community, selling coupons in a local currency. A $100 coupon might be worth $120 in pizza, for instance. This scheme could help the pizzeria raise the extra funds.

In general, the bank’s risk in offering the loan is also decreased. Customers themselves help a business grow, making it even easier for the pizzeria to repay the original loan.

The pizzeria can now expand without being burdened by huge interest payments, and is confident that the community is eager to support its growth. Customers, in turn, are rewarded by a 20 percent discount on pizza!

  • 1
    Interesting idea. The only problem i can think of is if people only cashed in those pizzas for a while the pizza place would not be able to cover the cost of ingredients so would have to take on more debt to keep their company running. But if they had a smaller than total amout of customers buy into this promotion then the other customer's may be able to provide enough profit to keep the idea afloat. Cool concept though.
  • 2
    @Vaccuss but tell me, what does devRant++ effectively do?

    Pizza maybe not but I'm sure it's basically a discount, you make 50% profit now. With coupon, you only make 5% but you get community support and an idea about how many people actually care.
  • 0
    Devrant ++ is a service subscription. It says I value the service devrant provides enough to support it in an ongoing fasion (and get perks) I would not consider it to be similar to your inital conversation.

    But Ill think on it more.
  • 1
    @Vaccuss I guess I pasted a bit too much. I meant mostly these parts I think.

    "require the community..." == Community support

    coupon == perks
  • 1
    Ahh gotcha :)
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