  • 1
    I dont really get the concept of containers.. can you please develop? Why is it better than VM? Is it only for perf. Benefits or is there something more? And how is it more scalable..? I really don't get the point of containers and microservices.. what even is a microservice..?
  • 4
    @omomthings I am taking your comment sarcastically

    if not i would say this is good place to start :The Big Picture course from https://app.pluralsight.com/courses...

    ps get hands on its not rocket science 😀
  • 3
    PS my default comment

    containerize the world 🐋🐳
  • 1
    @dhanvi Oo why would you think that I was sarcastic? I was speaking real cause I have already read some lines from the official page but didn't really understood the interest.. 😒 thought you would help.. well I'll check the link thanks
  • 2
    @omomthings apologies mate

    any way the course i sent you is a great start in my opinion

    just get two things docker images and docker containers right rest should follow 😀
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