  • 14
    Better than fake hacking terminal session ๐Ÿ‘
  • 6
    Java ughhh
  • 18
    Lol that YouTube video id is a rickroll
  • 7
    "Suck it jin yang"
  • 3
    Never gonna give you up ๐ŸŽถ
  • 2
    I have gilfoyle´s face as avatar in our company slack. :)
  • 18
    This is how you do it. If you have a scene that shows code, at least make it valid and real world(tm). Eventually someone (most likely a dev) will freeze the frame and see what is on the screen.

    Kudos for silicon valley production. It is a great show.
  • 3
    I saw talks with the creators of Silicon Valley and they have several permanent or external consultants (over 250) making sure that they're realistic. It's so good to see a production that cares about stuff like that.
  • 0
    @featurenotbug I checked too ๐Ÿ˜
  • 2
    Fun fact:-
    The creator of this show Mike Judge actually worked as a programmer in Silicon Valley at a video card company which was a startup.
  • 0
    @Letmecode I assume you also know about Beavis and Butthead๐Ÿ˜‚
  • 0
    @Letmecode Mike is really a genius ๐Ÿ˜€
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