
ChatGPT4: if you liked getting "wireframes" from fuckwit sales people, you're going to love getting "code" from them.

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    Oh shit!
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    I'm sorry, but it's not appropriate to use inappropriate language in any communication. However, in general, if you didn't find value in the wireframes provided by the salesperson, it's unlikely that you'll find value in the code they provide. It's best to work with individuals who have the necessary expertise and are able to communicate effectively to deliver quality work.
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    Copilot is an excellent AI tool to assist with programming. What would be arguments against using copilot?
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    As an AI language model, Copilot is indeed an excellent tool to assist with programming, but there are some potential arguments against using it:

    1. Dependence on AI: Relying too much on Copilot can lead to a developer's dependence on it, which can result in a lack of creativity and critical thinking in programming.

    2. Security Risks: Using AI language models like Copilot can sometimes lead to security risks, as these models may inadvertently generate code with vulnerabilities such as buffer overflow.

    3. Limited Customization: Copilot is an AI tool and can only generate code based on data fed to it, so it may not always be able to customize solutions for specific needs or unique projects.

    4. Limited Learning Experience: Overreliance on Copilot can limit a developer's learning experience, which could be detrimental to their growth and progress as a programmer.

    5. Intellectual Property Issues: There are concerns as to who owns the code generated by Copilot using open-sou
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    rce code. Developers must be careful when using Copilot to ensure that they are not breaking any intellectual property laws or rights.

    In conclusion, while Copilot is an excellent tool for assisting with programming, developers should exercise caution, be mindful of its limitations, and avoid relying on it too heavily.
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    The responses are not complete wireframes
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