How do we not all have carpal tunnel?

  • 2
    Almost got carpal tunnel syndrome playing osu..

    But we all do have carpal tunnel
  • 5
    Not sure how I don't have but I regularly take breaks or get up to do something, I guess with vr development you're a lot more active, write two lines of code, get up put headset on and test, sit back at computer rinse and repeat
  • 2
    @f03n1x do you use vim?
  • 5
    @DirtyBit nope sorta new to the Linux scene and currently unity is on Windows until I backup my stuff and setup dual booting
  • 2
    @f03n1x heard not using a mouse is good for your wrists
  • 5
    @DirtyBit hard to do with unity :/ (at least game editor, don't need it much for visual studio)
  • 3
    @f03n1x I know. I was planning on learning C# and unity to participate in the next ludum dare but got a little caught up with twitter bots and django stuff lol
  • 5
    @DirtyBit ah right lol, welp good luck for that! I'd compete in the ludum dare but I should be spending that time working on my game lol
  • 0
    Why don't we all have carpal tunnel?
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