God dammit, my ISP fucked up.

I have a 400 Mbit/s Internet connection, which I pay a lot for it. I live in the central of a average city and we got 18 Appartements here with a banque and a wellness shop underneath.

There is a new shop under our block and 1 month ago a tecnician was here and made some recabling, so the shop would get enough performace.

Now since 1 week ago I have a bad output, laggs in games and just get about 250 Mbit/s, when not on high traffic times.

That fucking multipler in our house is over 10 years old and around 18 households are connected to it.


We all here in this building are paying a lot for it, and now that fucking thing is overused and broken and you're just grabbing our money you shitbags!!!


  • 6
    Damn and I thought my net issues were bad
  • 28
    *cries in 100kbs 😭 *
  • 9
    Mate 3 out of 7 days my internet speed drops to around 40kbits. Yep, slower than dial-up. Be glad.
  • 1
    @ShitOutOLuck Do you have a option to get a better connection?

    I have it and paying for it, but not getting what I was promised. Sure I am happy that I get at least 250 Mbit/s, but with tons of laggs and bad output.

    My current connection feels more like 50 Kbit's
  • 3
    @MoboTheHobo I understand that completly. You should get what you paid for. I would be pissed too. But living in Serbia being a student in a semi shit appartment in a very shitty building i cant change my isp. The fuckers from phone help laugh at me when i argue with them over how bad their internet is even though im more educated on the subject. So thats why i said. Be glad it can always be worse :D
  • 1
    @ShitOutOLuck shit, you're in a bad situation.

    Well maybe you will have someday enough money or power to stomp that company to the ground 😂.

    Got the same thing, last time when that tecnician was here and I talked to him about Cat standards, fiber and connection speeds, that guy was really suprised about my knowledge.
  • 1
    @MoboTheHobo Tough chance for a change anytime soon. Corrupt government. 1 isp has monopoly and shit service. Other isp's being bought behind the scenes by the said monopoly holder. Im waiting for the day that either the country implodes from being run by morons or to get the fuck out. We'll see what comes first :D
  • 2
    @ShitOutOLuck Almost the same shit going on in Switzerland. We have 3 big carriers here. The goverment has in all 3 shares with at least 50 %.

    Thats how monopoly behind shut doors work.
  • 0
    Welcome to my world. I pay for 50 and only get 12 MBits... Because of cable issues.
  • 1
    @MoboTheHobo if you can, look at Fiber7, they are great! 65.-/m for 1Gbit, they have great peering and support net neutrality
  • 1
    @java9 Yea, but fiber is not active in our area. The fastest lane we have currently is a Quickline 400/40. If 1 Gbit/s would be aviable, I would immediatly order it ;)
  • 3
    My home internet is usually fast, but at random times during the day it will crap itself.

    It's gotten so bad that I actually have a backup cellular broadband plan I use to play online games (it has a data cap, so can't use it as my regular internet connection).

    The cellular broadband plan is more stable, faster and has less latency...
  • 0
    Whelp, I pay for 75/15 + extra upload, so I get around 90/90 😂😂
  • 1
    @brahn I've got the exact same situation! But I take my backup internet with me everywhere(for phone) and I got it cheap 100$ for 6 months
  • 2
    2Mbits/s 🔫😒
  • 1
    Just curios: What do you do to fully use up 250MBit (>2,5TB/day) or even 400MBit (>4TB/day)? Non-commercial use if I understand it right.
    I cannot imagine anything reasonable which constantly needs so much data.
  • 1
    @ddephor It's not really about constant usage, more about available peek bandwidth when you need it. Like downloading an ISO image, which is really fast over such a connection.
  • 0
    @java9 Maybe that's nice to have, but you cannot download so much and really use it.
    A DVD image takes about 1,5 minutes at 400MBit/s. If it was a movie you need 2 hours to watch it afterwards. If it was like a linux distribution you need an hour to install it, a few days to configure it an months/years to use it.
    Why would you bother if the download takes 5 minutes instead of 2?
  • 2
    @ddephor Well it adds up over time ;)
  • 6
  • 1
    Sabotage it. Force them to set a new device.
  • 1
    Finally today 2 tecnicans from my ISP came and changed the phaser.

    Now I got back my 400 Mbit/s and 100% output.

    I know again how shittie internet feels. All you devs with bad connection have my prayers 👏
  • 1
    Damn dude and I thought my 9mb/s that are usually 4 were fast 😂😂😂
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