Dear non-webdevs,

We don't talk bad about you. Why somayou mad at us? :D

  • 7
    Because we use JS mate.
  • 11
    As somebody who hates doing web dev, I don't hate y'all...I need y'all.
  • 1
    No...we all friend here like?
  • 3
    Because of CSS3 :p
  • 6
    Because unfortunately there's a LOT more people who have no clue wtf they're doing attempting to do web apps
  • 1
    they just don't understand
  • 2
    Thats the reason why I don't go to my local hackerspace. Can't stand to get looked down at :/
  • 2
    Webdev haha what you are really good at writing html lol
  • 4
    Here is an interesting point - its way easier to be a shitty server side dev unnoticeable than a shitty web dev.

    Let the slam begin.
  • 5
    As Linux sysadmin it feels like being a fly on the wall in here... O_o
  • 3
    That moment when you do both desktop apps, and web.
  • 2
    Webdev is too easy to learn. They dont teach you proper stuff at universities anymore such as hardcore raw socket programming.
  • 6
    It annoys me sometimes that people don't view problems with a somewhat broader perspective.

    Many web devs have no idea how databases work beyond ORMs for example, dragging through half the database to merge / aggregate stuff in the backend (or worse, send it all to the frontend).

    Then there's these enterprise Java and Dotnet devs, who write enterprisey applications from impressive UML diagrams, which have unusable interfaces with dozens of wizards, tables, menus and confirmation popups... When the problem could have been solved much more elegantly with (just for example) an electronjs app and node backend.

    I think you don't have to specialize in everything to be a good dev, but you should at least have the "peripheral vision" regarding other fields so you can tell your boss: listen, I'm a Javascript pro, but I need an SQL dude in my team to solve these problems.
  • 1
    Full stack developers would have an inner exception if this was true.
  • 1
    #notallnon-web-devs 😂
  • 0
    @challenger but that doesn't mean that all of us don't know there shit. Please don't judge before you got to know the individual.

    Me for example, I am an js guy but I have built robots and have attended lots of conferences. But I get looked down at because I do js.
  • 1
    Because web development is the entry point of many crappy technologies and wannabe programmers
  • 1
    @edwrodrig and this means that all webdevs are crappy/wannabe?
  • 0
    Because i spent 2 hours hacking together an angular project and then did the same thing in jsf in about 20 minutes
  • 1
    @RazorSh4rk if you write the same thing a second time, of course it will be implemented faster. Even if it's in another language, if you are equally skilled in them.
  • 0
    As someone who developed web apps as a kid, as a freelancer and it's now part of my job I can only say that web development requires less mathematics knowledge, algorithmic thinking, knowing the hardare and etc. Basically most thing that they teach you at the University.

    I do web apps (full stack), desktop apps and scripts so I don't judge people. Just know the minuses of each.
  • 0
    @plusgut No, I mean that is more probable to find crappy programmers in web development.
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