When you want to withdraw some cash but forgot your windows username and password

  • 8
    My bank using XP...
  • 11
    Imagine if it was running win 10 ;-) windows updates all days for the whole day LOL
  • 0
    At least they're not running Windows XP.
  • 1
    Isn't it a security threat to use Windows for ATMs ?
  • 0
    @kilstag Why should it be a thread?
  • 2
    did you try guest or admin?
  • 0
    @dunios it is a joke ;) if it has been setup by someone who knows what he is doing then windows/linux/even puppy_linux is good. It's just that windows makes it easy to make it vulnerable :p

    Ps you meant threat not thread or maybe I am totally replying something out of context to what you were meaning to ask ^_^
  • 1
    This explains why your bank WannaCry
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