
Is it more morally correct to just kill yourself and let everyone know or leave a note saying you decided to move to this country and you will never come back and then die in a way and place you are sure no one can find your body and know what happened to you?

  • 6
    I don't think it ever morally correct to commit suicide. Suicide is self murder.

    Are you asking people on devrant to be accomplices to murder?
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    @Demolishun yeah don't have anyone to ask, please answer my question
  • 9
    Suicide is one of the most selfish acts you can commit. I speak from experience, having known several who have attempted or succeeded. You’re setting your loved ones up for shock, grief, and years of pain.
    Also, never assume your attempt will succeed. A friend of mine wanted a way out. He failed. He’s now fully paralyzed and can’t speak. He achieved the exact opposite of what he was aiming for.

    If you’ve got nothing to lose, why not drop everything you’re doing and start from scratch? Easier said than done I know, but worth thinking about
  • 3
    Depends on your beliefs. I see nothing wrong in killing yourself with or without letting anyone or everyone know.

    But in general, when you end your life, your life ends - and there might not be a respawn. So take that into account.
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    @Demolishun why isn't it moral?
  • 3
    @red-knot it is selfish when it affects others. If the person sets all his affairs in order, tells everyone he'll be leaving for a long time so noone would be looking for him and noone would miss him, I see no selfishness in a suicide. After all, the only thing a person truly owns is his body. It's up to that person to decide what to do with it. If one wants to leave into oblivion, then noone shall get in his way, as long as it does not disturb anyone. Jump into a lions cage, burry himself alive under ground, or find some other way to dispose of his meat and bones so it does not traumatize anybody.

    As long as the suicider sets all his affairs in order and just disappears into nowhere w/o causing any inconveniences to anyone - why not? But that means no hints to anyone, no final letters, no nothing. Just meanlessly and quietly dispose of your own body [that you own] and be forgotten.
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    @red-knot problem is, noone wants to just disappear. Everyone wants to leave a footprint. Everyone wants to *enjoy* life. It's just that sometimes they are surrounded by problems too difficult to untangle by themselves, and their silly pride holds them from asking for help. And so they decide that that pride is more important than an opportunity to enjoy the years they have left on Earth.

    It's stupid. It's ridiculous. Yet, some lads choose this path. Sometimes as a form of a strong final statement that noone can argue with. A statement that leads to nowhere. To void. To oblivion. And he will not be here to see what effect that statement has.

    Pitty, but it does more damage than good. Laziness to try smth risky and false pride leads to crushed relatives, transferred debts, other massive personal problems...Which themselves can lead to suicides of their loved ones
  • 7
    @Oktokolo > "when you end your life, your life ends"

    And it's the only thing anyone will ever remember of you. Not the sense of humor, not the time you saved a kitten from drowning, nothing.

    My wife's cousin killed himself and before, he was 'the life of the party', class clown, story teller, someone everyone looked forward to seeing at family gatherings, now, its only "Tommy killed himself". No pictures around the house, no 'Tommy was a great guy', nothing. Its like he never existed. Not saying family should re-live that tragedy, but it was like a switch. Think "they'll miss me when I'm gone"? Nope. Just a blip they'll soon forget.

    It'll be a lot more fun to stick around and drive everyone bat shit crazy.
  • 5
    @netikras what you describe in your first comment is very hypothetical and I highly doubt it’s possible to disappear into oblivion all while covering your tracks properly to make it painless for your loved ones.
    Your second comment is more representative of reality.
    Concerning OP, he’s been talking about killing himself for months. He just wants our blessing, which is dumb. Heck if he wants to die, why not got down while doing something glorious like joining the Ukrainian resistance on the war front? Or quit his job and volunteer for some NGO abroad?
  • 3
    The impact of your death on the world will be negative as long as you have someone to notify. If you care so much about the feelings of so many people on this side, you should probably not commit suicide.
  • 3
    The people who commit suicide are the ones who either don't have anyone to feel bad about or think their suffering outweighs that caused by their death. If you want to try so hard to disappear without trace, that's most likely because you would hurt a lot of people.

    You will still hurt those people, only you'll do so over a longer period of time.
  • 2
    @lorentz Taking away the possibility of doing anything positive again in the world makes suicide always a negative. I think you hit the nail on the head here.
  • 4
    ...which, from the perspective of eternal nothing, is not an inch better than an immediate shock. We prefer gradual damage because it's easier to relativize and forgive ourselves a little at a time. None of that for the dead, though.
  • 3
    @Demolishun people have a constant negative impact in the shape of food they eat and space they occupy. I don't like to consider the net impact of a person because a lot of us are very practically a net negative, obscured by false equivalencies through money.
  • 3
    Annoyingly, money isn't just a pathway for false equivalencies. It's also a force in and of itself, and it's possible to have a net negative effect on the nonhuman world while still improving the situation or trajectory of real people by interacting with this shared hallucination of a system.
  • 3
    This is why I don't like considering net impact, to be precise. How you make your mother feel is not convertible to some fraction of responsibility in +1 person freezing on the street because they can't afford the rent you can.
  • 2
    @PaperTrail this is spot on. The only people who are remembered for more than killing themselves tend to have killed other people as well - it's unlikely that anyone else has done much to outshine 'suicide' in terms of noteworthiness, so that's what they're remembered for.

    Someone I knew killed themselves a few years back. He is, I won't say hated, but not remembered fondly by those closest to him, because he caused so much hurt, caused people to ask questions that only he could answer - could I have helped? did I make it worse? what made him do it? - and now never can.

    Those unanswered questions, those scars, will likely never heal for them. That is what they carry with them for his memory.
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    @PaperTrail Yeah, family matchmaking is pretty random. There is no guarantee that one's family is actually compatible to one. Also, some people deal with grief by not dealing with it - repressing the memories. That normally doesn't work long term. But people are people...

    Also humans in general have a pretty strong hardcoded will to survive at all cost. Killing yourself is very hard to pull off. So if someone actually manages to consciously plan and do it, they very likely have gone through some long suffering having zero support by anyone - including their family.
  • 2
    @Manuch I haven't felt suicidal at any point of life but I do get what you're saying.

    If I was in your position I would smoke a ton of weed. I know it sounds silly, but I've made a lot of life changing decisions after being in a chill mindset and not letting my emotions drive me.
  • 1
    @Demolishun always negative? Is it though?

    How about the people who have terminal diagnosis of, say, bone cancer, and they have like 5 more years to live in a death bed suffering incomprehensible pain every second of their lives all over the body, making it very comparable to the tourment os Prometheus. A life of pain, that no drugs can relieve. A life of constant need: for care, for $s, for time. A life of constant pain caused for others around, for friends, loved and loving ones.

    What positive can a poor soul like this offer to the world? What positive can a world offer to that person? I see only negatives, and lots of them.

    The body is broken beyond repair. The mind is doomed for suffering. I see no wrong in signing a DNR and asking for 5 minutes of complete privacy
  • 4
    Suicide is actually never morally ok in my opinion. Leaving a note saying you went to another country makes it worse. Because someone will find you one day or another. You ruin maybe that persons life and you end everything with a lie. Also some might try to reach you, this makes no sense to me.

    Also it is not that easy to kill yourself, many people fail in that attempt, which makes things worse. Maybe you should seek help.
  • 5
    Can you really just say that you'll never come back and expect that no one is still waiting to hear from you again one day?

    People trying take their life shouldn't be judged but they should be helped to get through it and back to enjoying the miracle that is life. That's better for everyone.
  • 2
    Not fearmongerring, just a warning.

    This silly attempt may end up in a loss of vital (or not so vital) organs, and you'll have way more regrets and suffering than before.
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    @electrineer why are you so hell-bent on not letting anyone die?
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    @iiii I think it's better if people can live an enjoyable life than if it's so miserable that they choose to end it. Don't you?
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    What a coincidence 😂
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    @iiii I wish I had a big mac. I haven't had one in a decade if ever.

    Do you believe that because it's printed in a comic?

    I still think it's a good intention to have to make this place a non-shitty place to live in. What people choose to do with it will ultimately always be in their own hands.
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    @iiii yeah I should do it, I almost have the energy
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    @iiii so when we speak out against murder we’re being sanctimonious? Looool
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    @fruitfcker I wanted to get help, I've tried with the few energies I have over the years. Last thursday I had a meeting with a psichiatrist, he didn't want my money, he told me he doesn't want to handle my case and to go close myself in a mental health institute. He was the last hope I had
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