I sometimes look at the code of the guy who had my job before me and I think.

Delete it.
Delete it all.
Delete it with fire.
Use the developer as kindling so it never happens again.

  • 6
    damn, I thought I was the only one who wanted to do that. I am not alone.
  • 4
    I have those thoughts everytime I have to modify any code from the developer before fuck that guy >.>
  • 2
    ... before you realize the code was written by yourself!

    ... no? Just me?
  • 3
    @yusijs yes except the last one, I usually recognize my own code.

    But some of it sure should be burned ;)
  • 5
    @yusijs the guy that coded before me did the whole two letter variable thing, did no documentation and had a bunch of hard coded values for setting up a UI, I've always done the opposite with variables they are either too long or two descriptive lol, and I have a tendency to write paragraphs of comments for complicated code and if I hard code anything I set it has static constants at the top of the class
  • 1
    @f03n1x I try to avoid long comments since they can be lost when using refactoring tools.

    But I often break out parts to separate methods and use the summary comment before the method.

    It survives refactorings better and also show up as tooltip when using the method in visual studio.
  • 4
    @Voxera oh yeah I do that as well, though the long comments were in one case when I created a map editor for a game I was working on, which in the header file briefly explained some of the features each of the methods had their own note.

    Though what is sad is team members didn't read any of it, and eventually caused issues because of it (I had a global camera and instead they drew monsters to the local camera)
  • 0
    @Voxera I can change coding style a lot from year to year (generally when I start a new language and pull habits with me from old language), so a couple times I find myself being really pissed before git blaming and seeing my own name 🙈
  • 2
    And just think, somewhere out there he's doing the same thing again at a different company.
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