
I get surprised everytime my mom sends me something on discord. 😐

Idk why, I cannot fathom that my online presence is so violated by someone who used to nag at me to do my homework.

We need to start banning parents from joining certain networks. Just saying!

  • 4
    I feel like I just suddenly become "uncool" I guess. Idk, the feeling is still foreign.
  • 5
    lol, I was expecting a green dot for some reason. I won't let my kids on discord. It would, however, freak me out if my almost 90 year old mother messaged me on discord.
  • 3
    What's next? My dad's on reddit?

    Gah, I actually think he might be. 😣
  • 2
    @Archive Nah, you still cool!
  • 2
    What's wrong with your mom
  • 3
    @electrineer she's too cool for school 😜
  • 5
    Mine has stayed on Facebook, where moms belong.
  • 1
    @electrineer facebook really is just one generation keeping it all alive until they no long do
  • 3
    @Archive how abt my dads on devRant ×_×
  • 1

    You realize this quote automatically makes you a turbo boomer, right? 😂
  • 3
    @Archive I ass-u-me that you and your mother are having a good relationship. In that case I believe she just wants to be supportive of you and have you close to her despite you have already grown into an independent person. Cherish those little things. They will become extremely valuable to you once time passes to the inevitable end of life...
  • 2
    😂😂, Almost everyone is literally doing their lives online now. Old people are even more online these days than young people. They literally like know almost everything.
  • 0
    @NeatNerdPrime I agree with you! Plus being half the planet away makes me miss her more. But still, some of these interactions are not "normal" and catch me off guard. Not that they're bad, just surprising.
  • 0
    @CoreFusionX mate... 😐
  • 0

    What? The song is from 1988 😂
  • 1
    @CoreFusionX I'm too young to know that, grandpa 😜
  • 1
    @CoreFusionX you may be the age of her dad, old man
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