So many options in web development. Don't know what to learn next or focus on. Mean stack or Asp .net or JavaEE?

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    Im so confused about java ee, it feels so broad, i dont know where to start. I took the MEAN way.
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    ASP.NET seems like a safe bet. May not be the most fun but it's still widely used
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    Java EE is dying out. Spring is the new cool kid on the Java block nowadays. But yeah, as everything in the Java world, it's a big and hard to learn monster. On the other side it's versatile and it's easy to find a Java job.
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    I didn't like ASP.NET honestly.
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    ASP.net ftw!
    Now we have ASP.net core on Linux too.
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    Why not something newer like Node JS and React?
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    @alecjd why is that?
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    Why not Python/Django or Ruby/Rails or Elixir/Phoenix? You'll get so much more productivity using these!! There are already millions of people who know Java & .Net, why not learn something different :) and i just dont like MEAN!!
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    @valium123 idk man just wasn't for me. No real reason.
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    I agree with @jimbart098, former java dev, and studied ASP.NET in college.

    I massively prefer the newer stuff. Using Node.js and Angular myself. But nothing against react really.

    It's just so much more lightweight, easier to setup, easier to integrate libraries etc. Worked on too many Java projects where trying to get it to build on another machine, was similar to writing a PHD thesis
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    😁 ok lets be serious, I would reccomend node or asp for backend.
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    Microsoft stack! It's really good.and if you master it you can do much more than just web applications with the .NET framework.
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    Learn nodejs.
    It's javascript, so even of on 4-5 years there's something new and magical (which will probly happen), you'll kick ass as javascript!! That bad boys staying for the long run
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    Elixir/Phoenix for backend, elm or react for front-end.

    If you're about to start writing node might as well study elixir instead. Far more pleasant to write and debug, faster and scales better.

    Elm on the other hand helps with state management on the front end side
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    @theScientist I dont know why, but i dont like Nodejs at all!! Too much complexity for mei guess!!
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    @Microsoft on devRant for real? Hard to believe :0
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