
What the fuck??!?!?
I wanna say :-
Fuck!!! What the fuck a sex robot is?!?? Fuck???
Lets leave this planet here humans are thinking to make a sex robot(fuck! ) who can say no fuck?!?!?! Later they will file rape case for humans who tried to force their robot. FUCKING FUCK BRAINS?!?!?

Full answer: -
A lot of ethicists and psychologists think that yes, they should learn to say no. Here is an interesting article about it:

Should We Program Sex Robots to Give Consent?

I agree with Kate Darling, Ph.D., a research specialist and robot-human interaction expert at MIT Media Lab, told Inverse in a discussion about Westworld, when she says she isn’t concerned about the robots, but with human behavior.

However, when I’ve expressed these feelings on Quora, about this controversy I was downvoted and my answer collapsed because people got offended that I made the claim that an object (the robot) could be ‘raped,’ even after I clarified exactly what I meant by that- that no you cannot rape an object, but just as an object cannot consent, you may be enacting ‘rape’ or torture fantasies, etc., on the robot. I think I was downvoted because my point of view wasn’t exactly what they wanted to hear, was too blunt, and the people who downvote opinions that may look more negatively at the sex robot industry typically aren’t feminists in the slight.

It seems a lot of people want the right to use sex robots and also that a lot of people haven’t really thought about it too deeply. Some people say that the robots will relieve women from sex work or protect people from sexual assault, I think these are very bold claims. Some people compare the sex robots to vibrators or other masturbation tools, but this is simply not accurate because sex robots are designed to be much more. They are marketed as companions that do not cry, nag, etc. People that own them often may dress them, tie them up, have marriage ceremonies, etc., a lot more activities than they would if it was a simple masturbation tool.

  • 0
    Comment alert: -
    Please don't ask me to read answer. This rant is for question not answer.
    I provided answer because there are many curious humans out there who would like to read that answer.
  • 2
    This is not a question nor an answer more like an opinion. This is really sad (In my opinion) because sex is a magical thing. It's where two people make love and exchange soul and become one whole, but nowadays sex is use for pleasure instead of love and having a sex robot just eliminates love, and compassion and only gives pleasure. You might as well stick to morphine. Smh
  • 0
    What? There is sex bot also?? How do they do it?
  • 3
    What if it rapes you?
  • 1
    So a new category "Robot" will be added to porn sites :(
    and the videos title will be like:

    "Boston dynamic anal sex with hydraulic ejaculation"

    "Darpa brutal deep throat with nonlinear dymamics"

    " BigDog and Assimo with deep learning foreplay"
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