
I love math, I'm bad in ui. Wich domain do you think is the best for me?

  • 4
    Game development, cyber security, AI
  • 3
    Web dev, graphic design bureau, interior designer
  • 1
    @fruitfcker good idea what do I need to learn ?
  • 2
    @clamore the listed from @fruitfcker + ML and Algorithms as general...Haskel?
  • 7
    Cryptography wouldn't be a bad field, either.
  • 5
    If you are really bad at UI, web frontend should actually be fine.

    But you might have more fun in math-oriented research (like inventing new AI/ML-related stuff), or math-oriented application development (maybe physics engines for CAD/CAM or games) or procedural content generation (like SpeedTree or just fancy shaders).
  • 1
    @Oktokolo haha hilarious and unpleasantly true
  • 0
    @fruitfcker thx sounds awesome, already learned a bit about quantum computing and schor algorithm and it looked amazing
  • 3
    get into academy, solve PxNP, get rich (since you're love math)
  • 1
    @darksideofyay easy money 😂
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