Hey, i don't wanna start a war here, but.... what you guys use more: GitHub or bitbucket? and in which case should i use one or another?
Yes, i have tried google, but i wanna know what you think about those two.

  • 2
    Bitbucket because it's free and privat
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    github because its *the* place for oss.
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    @plusgut ah but you have to pay for private repos on github, whereas bitbucket (and gitlab) offer unlimited free private repos.

    Also, what's oss?
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    i've seen somewhere that bitbucket is better for enterprises, because it's private. And github is the "home" of open source software. should i use this as a guideline?
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    @DucksCanCode they offer a great service so I have no problem paying them.

    Oss: open source software
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    @fcrozetta Exactly, also bitbucket is very useful for personal projects, because of the free repositories option.
  • 6
    @Atlas GitLabber here myself!
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    If you're a student, you can get access to private repos 😊
    But, if it's for a company, you should use bitbucket i guess 😃
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    GitHub for open source repos, bitbucket for work and private stuff
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    Github for open source, bitbucket for private repos
  • 0
    Thank guys :) i didn't know about gitlab. i will check it out.
    And i'll probably use both. GitHub and bitbucket
    thanks a lot
  • 4
    @fcrozetta Did you ignore the GitLab users 😞
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    @linuxxx what? no!! why did you say that??
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    @fcrozetta Mother of God i just saw that. Disregard my comment O.o
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    @Atlas @linuxxx
    Gitlab seem really cool, but i'm creating webapps on azure... and there is no easy, free, and painless way to integrate with gitlab. i'll try to use git labs, and see what features i really use(android apps, chrome extensions,etc..)
    Since it has integration with gitkraken(which is so far the best software to manage my repositories) i'll give it a try :)
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    @linuxxx about your comment.. don't worry. no problem at all
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    Github or gitlab. I only used bitbucket just because the company I worked for back then, uses it.
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    Gitlab and Gogs
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    Have you tried Google drive?
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    I mainly use github, cause I have a student account with unlimited free private repos, though I imagine if I have a super secret project that I don't want hosted on a private server, I'd put it on my self hosted gitlab
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    GitLab...free private repos ftw
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    GitHub who wants private repos. Open source ftw
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    @MFateen Your comment is confusing...
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    @SHA-256 well I should ve added a comma after "GitHub"
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    @MFateen also a question mark...your comment is pretty ambiguous otherwise ^^
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