I did mostly Java and JavaScript coding before I came to my current job. When I started I pretty much had to learn PHP on the fly. Pretty much no problems, but my greatest shame from the few years I've been writing code is when I spent over an hour debugging an unknown error, after which time a fellow dev looked at my code and informed me that PHP uses . instead of + to concatenate strings...

  • 4
    this happened to when when going from php to python lol
  • 2
    I constanyt do this as I switch between JS and PHP code on the same project
  • 2
    @dotomaz this was embarrassing enough to me that it engrained the distinction in my head forever and I have never repeated this particular mistake haha

    Maybe that means I could achieve perfection if I have my coworkers shame me for other common errors...
  • 2
    Oh man I've done this. And then you switch back to a language that uses + for string concat and get tons of errors again.
  • 1
    Yeah, happens almost everytime for me when going back to php from any other language.
  • 1
    I do the same with || constantly, but I'm primarily a SQL dev.
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