
Came across a book by Clinton L. Jeffery that details in programming language design, a topic that has always fascinated me. So I went ahead and bought the book knowing full well it uses an obscure language called Unicon (cool fucking name) devised in order to mimic the Icon programming language (obscure as well) which are languages that detail goal oriented programming. While I do not mind the language itself, seems pretty good for my taste, does not use curly braces or semicolons and a lot of other scripty things, gets compiled to bytecode and works well, but shit man, trying to find documentation for this outside of its own (I don't like it) book is a pain in the ass. To give some perspetive: you know you are dealing with some obscure shit when there ain't any youtube videos on the language. It has some interesting notions, but I just fucking hate the "documentation standard" book that it has for it, and yes, this is because the language has not taken any actual traction from the masses, there are some things that it does not have such as full utf8 support among other things, it really is a nice tech but I hate the lack of proper documentation/tutorials on it.

rant off

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    Where the hell did you find that? What is goal oriented programming? That's a new one to me.
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    @NeatNerdPrime found the book as a recommendation in Amazon. Funny enough, one reviewer did said that the author is using an obscure language and that he could not be arsed to learn it for the purpose of the book. I get it tho, but I still bought the book.

    Very interesting book and language, but I still can't properly define goal oriented programming since the basic explanation is to "achieve a goal through a series of events", when I saw that I said "wtf that could be any fucking language" so I just ignored it as some notion that I might not fully understand at the moment.
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