
can someone transcribe this? My best wild guesses are : "F it", "fart it" or WiFi it?

  • 6
    Fuck it. Guy is humping it.
  • 1
    i think its sit?
  • 0
    Push it?

    Shove it?
  • 4
    It’s clearly “sit”
  • 2
    "fart it" seems like a good guess
  • 0
    I was taught that motion lines in drawings are too be parallel to direction of motion when you want to depict sudden or fast (as in, not shaky) movements.

    Still. It obviously means "fuck it".
  • 0
    @CoreFusionX unless they are not motion lines :)
  • 2
    Hemorrhoid it.

    How do you guys come up with fuck it?

    It clearly shows that the butt is itching like hell.
  • 1
    Fart where you sit…
  • 1
    Jump It - Million Dollar Man Style
  • 1
    Ass is vibrating: "it" vibrates
  • 1
    Fart it…I know what I’ll be farting after vodka with saffron rice and lamb…pppppp
  • 1
    So "Fart it" is winning for now in votes mainly b/c that motion lines ( if they are that, bur what else they could be? ). But it maybe a bit complicated like : Fuckin' push it while you farting... it's not a easy one
  • 1
    @We3D push what while farting? The poopoo?
  • 0
    @TeachMeCode Not sure, just speculating.
  • 1
    To add to the mystery, there was this poetic msg next to to it, which seems to be written w/h same color and most probably by the same person in same time. But I'm completely sure if they are related. If they are the most logical one I think will be the simple "Fuck it", but then again what are those lines near his pointy ass represents?
  • 2
    Twerk it?
  • 0
    @ethernetzero That's good guess. It might be that as well
  • 2
    First thing that came to mind was Git. My mind is warped
  • 1
    @red-knot I have that flying thought too, although not first one, but it does not resemble a "G" much so I dismissed it fast
  • 1
    @We3D i thought Git because we’re on a dev platform. But then the bigger picture made me realize it has nothing to do 🤣
  • 0
    That looks nasty. I imagine seringues and blood soaked handkerchiefs
  • 0
    @red-knot Nah, most probably just boring ordinary garbage blown by the wind there... but I can go and check if needed ;)
  • 1
    Here is the enhanced ver. of that corner
  • 0
    wow. almost same cut
  • 2
    Haha a nice pile of rubbish. Still can’t quite figure what’s in there. Some CocaCola cardboard packaging perhaps. The rest looks like trash in a bird’s nest
  • 1
    I can't spot anything interesting there too. most of it looks like paper or plastic wrapper + dirt and leaves
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