Noticed today that at my company, the younger devs do everything via cli or through the terminal, and the older devs do everything through a GUI or a IDE

  • 2
    Something about using the right tool for the job.
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    Younger/older as in age? Or seniority level?
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    Edgy terminal users?
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    Oh, that's an interesting observation
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    It's good knowing your terminal, but it's not mandatory to use it. I prefer GUIs, but I can do tons with the terminal and sometimes do when it's faster. No need to force it one way or another...

    actually what @fckIE said, now that I thought about it
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    senior dev here.

    healthy mix of (on order of significance) keyboard shortcuts, IDE-features, CLI.
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    Lead here.

    Even though I know how to use the cli, and I do as often as needed, it’s just easier and less tiring to use the gui.

    Especially for complex things like database queries and directories with lots of items. And sometimes I just don’t want to have to deal with vim to make a config file change even though it’s technically faster.

    Edgelords with lots of time and energy love to code in the terminal even though it’s more clunky and far less efficient than using an ide, usually to prove something to someone.

    I’ve long outgrown that. I have way too much to get done to fiddle with plugins and config files all day.
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