
I'm about to quit without a backup plan.

It's been almost 4 years since I started working as fullstack dev in my current company, also those are the same years of experience I have working in general. Right now I feel burnt out.

I feel I haven't progressed professionally at least in the last 2 and a half years... I feel stuck. Right now I don't feel like a dev, I feel like a dude that knows how to use a framework and only makes CRUDs.

I've lost the apetite for learning, also I feel very discouraged about the industry in general, watching media full of those tech-influencers and the apperently fakeness of the culture that companies show off only helps my disappointment and discourage about the industry in general. Also the unconscious action of comparing myself with others (and impostor syndrome) makes me feel less about myself.

I didn't go to college. During my last year of school I went to a Bootcamp and started learning by myself, I felt I choosed the correct path for me, I don't regret it, but makes me feel I entered at a young age (18) and unprepared to an industry I felt I knew at least a bit (I did two interships at 16).

Right now I can only think in taking a time for me and disconnect myself from everything, finish all the books I bought, continue doing excercise and therapy and stay connected with nature.

I know that most probably what I say about the industry is wrong but what I **feel** about it right now is not.

I know is better to search for better options and places to work than just quit, but I really feel it's gonna be the same, I know it's an unfounded fear and I'm a bit blinded about it.

  • 2
    You can always switch to a slightly different pisition. Devops, sysadmin, etc... And stay there until you recover.

    *Ops positions tend to be full of action.
  • 9
    I'd rather say that what you *say* about industry is true, and the way you feel about it is wrong.

    Meaning... 90% of all work in this field is gonna be glorified CRUDs.

    That's not gonna change anytime soon. Also, there's no impostor syndrome. Just people giving up on one of the core tenets of this field, "always on the learn". You don't strike me as one of those, so, given you have been 4 years at your current gig, burnout might be just real.

    My advice? If that's the case, quit. You can get another job at same conditions or better easily. Just always make sure you can get by two months without income.
  • 5
    Nah, you are right. Web "tech" is mostly shit and actually hurting users. But there are good projects. They are just hard to find.

    That said, there are more industries needing devs. And there are a shitton of non-dev jobs too.

    In general, it is a bad idea to just quit without a backup plan in non-communist countries that will just happily let you become homeless as soon as you can't pay the rent anymore. So you probably are better off searching for a new job first and then quitting the old one.
  • 2
    I'd try a new job. Switching jobs has always given me a whole new perspective and reignited passion for learning.

    But yeah, it's far from a guarantee. Even if 8/10 jobs out there would reignite your passion, it's entirely possible you land on the ones that don't and end up thinking the new job is as bad as the old one and the entire industry stinks.

    And I can totally see how it would feel bad to sign up for a new job if you're not certain you even want to continue working.
  • 6
    My advice is... don't quit before you get your next job. I did that, regretted it. It's significantly harder to get a job when you don't have one. Just is. Put your CV up online with a couple of agencies, preferably more, take a look at the offers and enquiries that come in. If you decide to move, have yourself a nice holiday away somewhere in between leaving your current job and starting the next.
    Don't quit before you have the next job.
  • 0
    Also. Ask for vacation days and mention the burn out. Then do all of the above. Get next gig and don't switch until you have secured a contract. The holidays in between switching jobs are also a good thing to plan for.
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    Have you considered speaking to your doctor? They may be able to provide you with a note allowing you to take some time off.

    The suggestion is somewhat dependent on where you are and whether or not the company perks include insurance that covers absences or the country you’re in has decent laws that protect you.
  • 4
    @CoreFusionX "Meaning... 90% of all work in this field is gonna be glorified CRUDs" Don't say the quiet part out loud mah dude. lol
  • 3
    Silent quiting might help.

    Focus on your private life more and do the job just between working hours and do only what you need to do without giving extra effort.

    Focus on private life, reading books and walks in nature or whatever you like that is making you happy and treat job as a second class citizen in your life - not saying that you lower the quality of your work, just give a lot less fucks about it.

    About impostor syndrome and comparing to others - don't do that shit, you can't compare apple and potato, one grows on the tree, other under the ground - we all had different situations and opportunities in our life and you should be ok with where you are now as everybody is unique in its own way.

    Also if you can make app that works you are developer/programmer and not an impostor!
  • 3
    I'm in a similar situation and this is my plan:
    - look for a better job while still employed
    - after (!) signing hand in notice
    - take the remaining holiday
    - take 1 month off between the jobs

    If work still sucks as much afterwards I'll throw away all my electronics and go to live in a cave.
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    @saucyatom be sure to make some additional buffer time because the old workplace will try to force you, but the nice way, to stay longer than 2 weeks with excuses like:

    - you need to do the transition of knowledge to new developer, can you stay longer to close the remaining open tasks and to do "holding a hand" to a newbie

    - its /some bs/ phase of the project so we need you to finish this super-mega-ultra-important feature (but probably not important at all) that we had planned your time in advance, can you stay one more week (in addition to the 2 weeks from the notice) to finish that

    - some HR bs that will make you feel that you are most important person on the project and that you leaving earlier will be catastrophic to the whole company (believe me, it won't)

    Stand your ground and don't give a fuck about what HR has to say as they are not looking to resolve it in your favor but in the favour of the company

    Good luck. Keep us posted!
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    @devJs 100% don't fall for any bs to they might try to get you there for longer
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    Your first sentence about sums up my hatred of career climbing (despite the subject being a job parachute). I just don't see living on edge of work-life balance as being genuine to myself.
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