
US government is run by terrorist fascists masquerading as "democracy" with propaganda arms to "sooth" the population....


And germans are pussies afraid of their own shadows ;)

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    I was going to say something witty here, but I think this speaks for itself.
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    the germans are still too busy fixing their own capital city.

    and then again, when was the US not a bunch of terrorists? I mean since their inception, they were always taking away things from others.
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    anyways, im very surprised, that this is not a post by avatar of kayne.

    Other than that, i guess we should keep politics n shit of this platform.
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    @thebiochemic that dude doesn't have as clear of a political agenda
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    @electrineer I knew you dumb fuck would come here to complain about this rant lmao. Get fucked, cunt.
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    @electrineer you know what, that's a fair point.
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    This is not just the US. It is a global issue. The US military is used to suppress governments that get out of line. They are also used to protect assets like poppy fields in Afghanistan or oil anywhere.

    The propaganda arm (the MSM and most social media) is used to suppress, not just sooth. Using doxxing and cancel culture.
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    @Ubbe Oh the bootlicker licking Biden ballsack. Shoo go lick Nuland's pussy and biden's ballsack.
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    @Demolishun I agree, you are not wrong. The problem now is they have deviated far from ordinary citizens who will turn against them and civil war brewing.
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    People who say "keep politics out" bring in trans, pronouns crap and gender reassignment along with more brainwashing crap like CRT to the mix LMAO.
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    @jassole FBI/DHS is trying to label regular citizens due to their religious/political beliefs as terrorists. This is a pretense to rounding people up. This is 1935 shit brewing. A few holocaust survivors have stated the propaganda they see on TV is just like 1935. Everybody will say we are not in 1943, but overlook what happened in 1935.
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    @jassole those aren't political though.

    They're human rights.

    Imagine if everyone just kept referring to you as a shitstain instead of he/she.

    "Oh, jassole? Shitstain is down the hall to the right."

    The only reason why it's been made political is because conservatives made it that way, much like everything conservatives whinge about is made-up bullshit.

    @Demolishun question for you. Is Isis or the Taliban terrorist?
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    @sariel People keep falling for the left vs right shit. The whole point is to keep people divided so they focus on the wrong things.

    Not sure on Taliban, but they worked for US for a long time and were scapegoated later. I think they also worked for Russia for a time. My reasons for this go a pretty deep into the conspiracy realm.

    Isis I think terrorists because McCain was their 5th member in leadership. I have come to realize it didn't matter who was in the Whitehouse as they all followed the globalist agenda. I also found out most people left and right were related to each other in Washington. "It's a big club, and you ain't in it." I honestly believe less than a handful of the representatives in DC actually represent the people. I think most are traitors.
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    @Demolishun religious extremists are terrorists.

    Muslim, Christian, Catholic, Jewish, Hindu, etc. Doesn't matter which one, add extremist to the end and you're a terrorist.

    Christo-fascism is sweeping the nation. They're a danger to the stability of the US and thus a danger to the stability of the world.

    You're right, the US controls many parts of the world. It's been great hasn't it?

    You get to sleep soundly at night, in a warm bed, with warm food in your fat American belly.

    What happens to countries that refuse to be a part of the system? They don't get to use the system. Full stop. That's it.

    The US does not invade the sovereignty of a nation just because. The US invades to protect the status quo with partners that have had a change of heart in the American "democratic" system.

    No conspiracy, hell it's not even a secret.

    So people either get with the program, or they can get the fuck out of the way and go eat their crayons in the corner.
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    @sariel I get what you are saying, but I don't agree with the reasons or the conclusions. I think it has a lot to do with the banking system and who plays ball and who does not. Any country that didn't want to accept the central banks got decimated. That is why I say it is global. The petrol dollar was part of that control system.
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    @Ubbe And delusional is real with you people.
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