
In your opinion how much would it take to learn Java with /Spring(Boot)?/ enough to get paid for it?

I already know Java's basics and at uni did some frameworkless server side development.

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    idk, it depends on your learning pace and on the HR desperation for Java devs in your area.

    Spring isn't difficult. A month should be enough. Perhaps less. For a junior position
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    More than they pay me at my current job :)

    But I would change to vue or react or any other language for more money xD
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    If you are in it for the money, go for it. If your in it for the love, run away. It’s terrible.
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    @netikras another question, related: what would you expect from an intermediate backend software dev (both with Java and in general)?
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    @dmonkey ability to make estimates for tasks and deliver according to them w/o another dev supervising him/her.

    And ability to come up with solutions for simple-mediocre problems.

    And ability to maintain existing codebase according to the good practises.

    Ability to debug almost any code issue and suggest/implement a solution.

    Carry out code rewiews

    Consulting with other devs is ok, as long as it's not about trivial matters.

    So basically a sr dev, w/o organisational tasks [teaching,planning,finances,interviews,etc.] and w/o solutions for complex problems
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