Hi everyone

Please i want the name of a nodejs package who can help me to reduce drastically the quality of an image so that the size becomes very small.

I want to generate thumbnails in my app


  • 1
    U can use sharp

    sharp("./uploads/" + req.files[0].filename)
    .jpeg({ progressive: true, force: false, quality: 10 })
    .png({ progressive: true, force: false, quality: 10 })
    .webp({ quality: 10 })
    .toFile("./uploads/" + req.files[0].filename + ".webp", (err, info) => {

    Like this for example. To a low quality webp. You can also edit the quality ofc. Turns mb to tiny kb images
  • 1
    @bigmonsterlover omg and its actually recommending the one i used
  • 0
    @theKarlisK 5 cords
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