
Did a big refactor with no tests and the code works first try 🤔🤔

  • 5
    Oh no, its trying to stab you in the back ;)
  • 3
    @Voxera just waiting for it to be honest.
  • 1
    Well it is not April 1st. It seems very suspicious though. It will be even more suspicious if you don't find anything.
  • 2
    What’s the problem? If the refactoring would break something, the compiler would tell you.

    Unless of course you use some clown language, then you have my respect!
  • 2
    Either your codebase is fairly trivial or you are indeed a true genius…have you tested everything?
  • 1
    (X) Doubt
  • 1
    “code works” “not tests”

    Ok, buddy.
  • 3
    Buy a lottery ticket, NOW
  • 1
    😐 well, normally everything works well during our first try too

    Except the test suite says the cases that manual test didn’t cover had 45 failing tests for edge cases
  • 1
    Wrong branch?
  • 1
    @asgs i can guarantee that at least that's not the case.
    Already been there. 😅
  • 3
    It compiled, ship it!
  • 0
    reminds me how USA wasnt testing properly during the pandemic, and consequently the reported numbers being super low.
  • 0
    @Lensflare ah yes, as we all know compilers of strictly typed languages detect all bugs
  • 2
    @devRancid not all but many. Especially those introduced by refactoring.

    "Helmets are useless because they don’t protect from all kinds of possible injuries" 🙄
  • 0
    @Lensflare the compiler isn't the problem. Did a peer review and got the ok. Uses a bunch of annotations to at least somewhat ensure no fuckups happen. Still loops have to run correctly and data shouldn't be overwritten, which already happened.
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