Fuck python and its stupid fucking imports.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

  • 2
    Welcome and good first rant
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    Especially changing "import time" to "from time import ..." which requires you to rewrite this whole abomination or copy pasting one of the words
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    Can I introduce you to our lord and savior, __init__.py?
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    Ted talk ?…
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    @AlgoRythm which most of the time doesn't contain anything.

    I'm weirded out by the fact, that this index file in a module folder is something that rust copied..
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    I cant wait till you discover javascript.
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    @coldfire python is still worse
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    Ten years ago, Javascript was absolutely worse than Python.

    But the thing is, Javascript has *improved*. A lot. There has been a tremendous amount of work put into addressing its flaws. Modern Javascript is by no means perfect ("this" remains an eternal pain point), and there are some missing stairs you or your linter must remember to step over (never use "==", always use "==="), but it's worlds better than it used to be. I quite like working in Javascript now.

    Meanwhile, most of the bad parts of Python continue to be bad, with no improvement in sight.
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