Salesforce document template auto generation.

I only recently got promoted from junior, but on this project I am basically the go to person for work on our templates.

I pull a bunch of mangers and our client rep into a meeting to discuss the issues surrounding this and offer solutions.

One of the things I said was "If we changed this process to this, which would take about a week to develop / convert, we could reduce development time on adding new products from hours to minutes."

The client was intrigued but said I'd need more data about direct improvements customer side to get the green light.

My manager and supervisor said, in front of the client, "Nobody really gives a shit about developer time. They're never going to let us spend time to make your job easier or faster."

I know it's true but it still hurts 🤕🤕🤕

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    Shit, is this why all the Salesforce processes suck so much? Is it because they are deliberately avoiding fixing all the bullshit?
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    @Hazarth templates in particular are a bit backwards. Mine as an example.

    I have 10 tables, let's assume each table contains 1 unique product.

    When I generate this document, using native components the only option available is to loop through the list of items in your cart and check what each one is... But I do this loop once for every table, and I can't remove items from the list.

    10 tables means (NoOfProducts * NoOfTables) * processing speed is how long one aspect of this generation takes.

    There are many things that get overdone, or the same function that runs on every item.

    I suggested using a tiny bit of custom code to not only relieve us of repetitive work, but to speed up generation time.

    I was told the above, client won't approve custom code.
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    Your managers are shit, look for another job that treats your ideas better.
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    @LazyLarry yknow, when shit like this happens, I usually write the custom code anyway, but I just keep it in my own repository.

    Or if I can't do it like that, because the code needs to be deployed, then I usually automate it differently.

    because in the end, It's my time and frustration I'm saving, and if they don't want that, then I might as well do it for myself and let them think I'm still doing it the slow way while actually taking it easy...

    I have at least like 5 utilities to automate the stupid manual stuff that I can't be bothered to do by hand anymore xD
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