Fuck timezones 🤬

  • 5
    yeah, fuck timezones.
  • 6
    All of them!
  • 4
    @retoor only if they consent tho
  • 5
    Normally, timezones fuck you.

    UTC or die!
  • 2
    Said like a flat earther. ;-)
  • 4
    In addition: fuck daylight savings time
  • 3
    Time format is so unnecessarily complex.
    How many base do you need.
    12h format: ms base 10, s base 60, m base 60, h, base 12, am/pm base 2.

    Add in the 24h system, dates (of course in various order), timezones and dst to make the chaos complete.
  • 3
    @hjk101 my favourites are the timezones that are not off by hours, but by hours +/- 30 Minutes or 15 Minutes

    Nepal for example has UTC+5:45
  • 2
    Yeah! Fuck them
  • 3
    @MjSt Yes!

    I’ve just found out recently about this mf…

    I too sometimes need extra hours during my day, but I’m not a fucking psycho to try to make it happen, and for everyone.
  • 0
  • 0
    @JS96 u dont go bug hunting?
  • 1
    @joewilliams007 Bugs are great for fishing!
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