Yesterday I spent many hours debugging obscure compilation errors.
At the end of the day I was like "Fuck it, I'll think about it tomorrow morning".

This morning the compilation works fine. No errors. It's the same code as yesterday.

I'm raging

  • 2
    Sounds like a cache issue
  • 0
    @PappyHans Yeah, i guess.

    I did clean my solution, deleted all the bin and obj directories, restart visual studio.

    I didn't reboot my computer. Well, I don't want to reboot my computer every time i get an error... :-D
  • 1
    I know, been there done that. Glad you made it work at the end. New day new issue to tackle haha
  • 1
    I spent ages trying to fix an issue. Nothing I changed worked. Turned out Filezilla simply wasn't uploading my updated file :( Time I will never get back
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