
Started as an IT consultant 13 years ago, now I run my own hosting business... Got head hunted to work as an IT manager for a company that isn't doing well, in which I confronted them with all their issues that are out in the public, they agreed to some, and others they had no idea about, I'd say the interview went well, as they have stated so and gave me the impression that I nailed it.... Haven't heard from them till now... It's been 2 weeks already.

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    They probably though that you're arrogant and not a good fit for their team culture!
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    @Hazarth ouch...
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    @anasr Hey, nothing personal, I like a straight forward person in my team. But I had an experience where we hired a new colleague and he was quickly tagged as arrogant and the rest of the team had trouble working with him to the point he just stopped going to meetings because no one really listened to him. In big part because he was hard to talk to if he didn't respect you at all... I liked the guy and he liked me I think, we talked a lot, but inevitably he left the company because he felt no one liked *him*, which was kinda true as well.

    so ever since that experience, I understand if the hiring process looks at this aspect of a potential employee as well...

    that being said, it's common courtesy to at least let the guy know if he is being rejected... so I'm kinda annoyed with the company that they didn't let you know the results!
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    @Hazarth thanks for clearing that out, I held myself from ranting about your reply 🤣

    I guess you're right, I did go 10 extra miles with pinpointing their issues, but I only did cuz I loved their services but stopped using them for the same problems they are currently facing.

    I thought my research was going to impress them...

    Maybe they're looking through their options, and I shouldn't be so impatient, I mean it was holiday season and they've been talking to me for the past 4 months.

    What really got to me though is that they asked for a CV/resume, and I pointed them to my LinkedIn profile, developer site, GitHub, etc; but they insisted on a CV, which got me a bit anxious.
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    Hosting company? Do you have your own hardware?
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    @Linux Yes, I started self hosting about 5 years ago and then opted into small-time hosting for clients.

    Nothing fancy though, it's mostly recycled hardware.
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    Colo or own datacenter?
    What country?
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    Confrontation is mostly about the how.

    Many narcissist will have a problem when you use their names and / or point to specific people...

    In some companies, problems don't even exist.

    It's not lack of hardware, it's an "incentive for better solutions".

    It's not a problem with missing human resources (aka employees)… it's an "incentive for better time management".

    Etc cetera et cetera...

    O the bullshit I remember, time to take some roofies and have some fun goofy time.
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    @Linux my own, Egypt.
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    That is really nice, the envy is high here ;)
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