
A 30 years old software "bug" caused 5k+ planes delays or cancelations and the software will be update in six years


30 years old software?
Why has not being update yet?

  • 16
    When your code is so frickin good that a bug literally found after thirty fucking years is actual news.
  • 2
    The linked article tells a different story?
  • 9
    I find it funny that they present age here like it matters. If Click-baited people would actually think that you would argue that likely there is a workaround or it's occurrence is super rare.
    In planes the stakes are just a bit higher when a bug does occur.

    @operand software like this should not get regular updates. This is fly by wire, tested to do what it needs safely and disconnected from external input not some random desire.
  • 3
    @horus https://zeenews.india.com/aviation/...

    Seems related to the same event but in the end nothing to do with actual software in the airplanes (or software at all, user error, story got updates).
    It's about an 30 year old operating system and calling it updating is probably wrong. More likely replacing.
  • 0
    Aviation still uses AM radio for communication. They don't switch to new tech just because it's new.
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