
My keyboard? It's way more mechanical than yours.

  • 17
    I like how the number keys on the left side are blocked off so that you are forced to use the phone dial contraption in any case 😄
  • 8
    At first glance, I thought it was a plate holder for your spaghetti lunch.
  • 3
    @netikras could be an iris scanner, too.
  • 4
    Shut up and take my money
  • 3
    Imagine playing CS on that.
  • 3
    Cool but can it make me a coffee?
  • 3
    Peak retro.
  • 5
    Just stumbled upon the original source of that: https://squidgeefish.com/projects/...
  • 2
    Only if the keys use - or at least feel like they use - a hammer that lifts the key by its own weight like old typewriters with 3cm travel
  • 1
    actually, keep the whole typewriter. The hammer closes specific lines in a tiny head-shaped switch table and the strike makes them fire in order such that the key code is delivered to the serial bus.
  • 1
    Or replace the keyboard with an elegant Morse machine.
  • 0
    I thought it was an ashtray, or a rolling plate! 🤣🤣🤣
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