What things or suggestions you would like to give me as I am a CS student?

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    Rest is important
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    @juzles I know it is. Seriously I am not joking here.
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    - Other tech more than MS, .Net
    - Version Control (git)
    - Unix shell & command
    - Vim
    - Data structure, Design pattern & algorithm
    - Contribute to open source project
    - Game Jam
    - Mouse less computing
    (have fun xD)
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    @CSaratakij Hey, I just got one question. I love to code stuff and having the knowledge of C and C++. So how can I use that knowledge to contribute in open source project. I know there is github service where the open source project builds but I don't know how to use it. So does any one help me or give any external reference link which can tell me how to use github to contribute in an open source project?
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    @MCCshreyas Okay, github is basicly a hosting service for git repository.
    You must know how to use git in order to submit ur change into project.
    U can use git either cli or gui. (although, cli is more flexible)


    github destop:

    source tree:

    if u want tutorial:
    github: https://guides.github.com/activitie...
    github flow: https://guides.github.com/introduct...
    cli: https://try.github.io/levels/1/...

    and there is many git workflow.
    the easy workflow that u can easy understand is "github flow"

    and lastly -> pick the project that is interest u and just fix a bug, create document or create new feature ;)
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    You might start getting addicted to caffeine
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    Drop out of college and learn actually useful things instead
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    The latest Humble Book Bundle contains some useful books. You can find tutorials online, but if you prefer longer books, you should check it out.
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    Asking more specific questions.
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    @RazorSh4rk Yeah. I know the technologies that are taught in high schools are old one. But side by side I am also learning C# via book, online tutorials and practices it daily.
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