
First six months as a dev broke something in production for the first time.

Took me months to get confidence back.

  • 4
    Ouch. I’m grateful my first production break was celebrated by my team. Once we fixed it they took me out for lunch and beer. It was like an inauguration into the team.
  • 1
    @devphobe this is the way. Everyone breaks things. Instead of making the bug they main focus, make the fix the focus and positively encourage people to fix what they broke.
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    I deployed a bug to prod quite early but the senior just said "My bad, I reviewed it and merged it!" and went "we have a bug in some code I merged" ❤️

    The one time I broke prod just cause I didn't wanna wait for a review, and shipped my unreviewed code - it felr way worse.

    Quite nice to require reviews to merge because then there's always 2 people to share the blame and the reviewer has an idea of what the bug could be
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