
- Elon received daddy's money.
- Twitter will die in a week.
- Elon Musk didn't do shit. His employees did.
- ChatGPT is just a glorified chatbot. It's nothing new. (Doesn't realize they are shitting on the work of his employees).

These are the words of the coping left. Now we have to tools to replace woke left in IT. That means all woke politics along with it go out the door slowly. :)

  • 2
    Just take politics out of everything.

    The biggest joke is thinking we have a say in politics. We are all just pawns of those in power.
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    @iceb Spot on, I just happen to despise the side who are pro-censorship, trying to act as arbiters of morality and weaponise virtue when it suits them and brainwashing going on enmass scale.
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    Well, Elon suspends people he does not like, and not always for any "breaking tid" either.

    Censorship is still there, just redirected.
  • 0
    @jassole must hate the whole country then
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    @Linux sure, but fascism doesn't (hopefully) which the democrats are.
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    Wtf is woke?
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    @ars1 You are a moron if you think that is the case.
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    @jassole I hate the whole country 😁
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    Everyone is blaming each other of fascism.
    I really dont care about US politics, to me it looks silly and immature, both sides are unconstructive as shit
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    @jassole so I was contending with real problems and the sick reality of our country and you faggots we're all going on some pansy hypocritical cakewalk while literally breeding intercity blacks from the ugliest stock available and ENSURING they fit racial stereotypes with an added twist of stupid wow

    Just wow
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    @jassole how many idiots believed this bullshit while you were all sniggering?
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    @AvatarOfKaine WTF you saying I have no idea LMAO
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    @Linux Good for you. tbh I don't give a shit about right or the left, I will allie/lobby with whoever suits my interests the most,

    Probably cause you don't have a skin in the game, which is fair.

    I would also like to not also give a damn about US politics, but for that to happen they need to get the hell out of my life, and support feeding kids in public school with garbage adult materials, curb back regulations.

    But increasingly chances are better to operate from elsewhere than sit and complain about here.
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    But both sides does it, is such a cope out ignorant answer. That just means you are not paying attention to what is going on. Left are manipulative vile POS.
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