
Since I closed the registrations on my mastodon instance, I have found inner peace
But emptier wallet

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    Mmm pizza.
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    I like pizza
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    Hosting Akkoma should be cheaper u.u
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    Not really.
    Database and media size still grows
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    @Linux well, meanwhile I've an ActivityPub server in development that should solve this problem of Mastodon and others, let's see how much time it will take me <.<
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    The main problem is the database size that is growing faster and faster nowadays
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    100gb size currently :'(
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    @Linux I have an instance too, so I feel you.
    The main reason is the continue federation of content that's not that interesting 80% of the time, my idea is to federate first and foremost the users, bios and activity stats. And present this as the first social contact point rather than useless content.
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    What is yours?

    Reducing usage should be top prio for fedi-developers imo..
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    @Linux letsrulethe.world, currently it's a little instance based on Akkoma(Pleroma fork)
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    You have not been active for a while?
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    Oh I see that we have talked about routers a couple of years back x)
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    @Linux I'm more of a reader of others thoughts, I would really reply 😅
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    What's your instance?
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