
Anyone do me a favour. Curse at me, and say the worst things to me, my critics.

Not some soft shit, pampering bullshit, say some harshest shit.

  • 9
    Get a load of this guy
  • 6
    The way you write software is so efficient that it exits before it's finished.

    It's not hard to believe it though, with the decades of experience you hold it's a truly a wonder why nobody else has hired you.

    Good job 👍
  • 7
    I feel like AoK is the right man for this
  • 4
    This is a social site for software developers. I think you would be more at home on Twitter.

    Edit: That isn't what I think. It is just the meanest thing I could think of. I enjoy your posts.
  • 4
    You seem to be exactly who you think you are.
  • 1
    Jassole...?? More like ... Asshole !!!

    Yeah I'll see myself out.
  • 4
    No free lunch!
    Negative feedback must be earned too these days.
  • 3
    You think “HTML isn’t a programming language” memes are original and funny
  • 3
  • 1
    **** ******* ***** ******* ***!!!

    ******* ****!!
  • 2
    @iceb hey! Don't post my password
  • 3
    Wait, that is really your face? Fuck! I thought someone had messed up the JPG encoding or some shit.

    What do you mean a HUMAN wrote your code? I though ChatGPT had fucked it up. Then a cat walked over the keyboard. In Cyrillic.

    Yo' code so useless it could pass as PM feedback.
    Yo' code so buggy that the military are using it as malware.
    Yo' GUI so crappy that the DMV IS USING IT.
    Yo' API so instable it could be the UK's govt.
    Yo' classes so unreadable your company doesn't even obfuscate packages.
  • 1
  • 2
    WTF these are all complements. Do better *****holes.
  • 2
    @jassole We can't. Your beard is just too powerful. All hail THE BEARD!
  • 2
    @netikras Stay in your lane bro.
  • 1
    @jassole I'm merely doing what you asked. Just in meme format :)
  • 1
    @netikras I asked you to insult me, not the other way around or yourself buddy
  • 1
    He's so oblivious he doesn't even understand when he's insulted.
  • 1
    Your colleagues use the obfuscator to make your code more readable
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