
Why the fuck do I need an account to download JDK

fuck off

  • 11
    Use openJDK instead
  • 5
    OpenJDK doesn't need any acc. It's open
  • 14
    It's good that it's behind a registration so you don't accidentally use it instead of openJDK.
  • 2
    Because you are not the owner
  • 1
    You only need to login to download non current versions iirc

    But yeah, just use openjdk it's literally the same codebase
  • 1
    @12bitfloat it's not the same. OpenJDK is a reference implementation of the Java spec. Oracle JDK/JRE is OpenJDK stuffed with Oracle's proprietary commercial features (noone's actually using them) and telemetry and a price tag.
  • 2
    @netikras Oh I didn't actually know the Oracle vm came with extra features

    But for all intents and purposes the important thing is the same
  • 1
    I haven't checked in a long time (fortunately), but I don't think it's so bad requiring an account to download old versions.

    Yes, I get it's a hassle for users, but nothing a minute in tempmail doesn't solve, and having been in that position, it's invaluable information for a company having data not on people -as in, personal data- but how many people still use old JDKs, so deprecation decisions can be made more informed.
  • 0
    because they want to know you... because they simply can.
  • 0
    @electrineer hahah, for real.
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