
More of a suprise.

Just by error double clicked on WINDOWS machine on a BASH (.sh) script.

Welp, some randon bash processor appered and script was executed correctlly.

I almost shit my pants, it's a script which changes production env.

I was expecting a notepad lol

  • 5
    And that's how you test in production
  • 7
    You have git installed. It installs a bash shell and sets it as a default processor for sh files
  • 1
    @dontbeevil ty !!! I never imagined tat since windows 3.11. I will definitly look into icvoons
  • 1
    These days gitbash has quite the presence.

    Also I just love tricking people with icons on Windows. By default it hides known extensions. So .exe is hidden. Add a nice familiar icon to your executable like that of a word or pdf document and you are good to go.
    Doesn't work that well anymore but it was a good way to test foolish users before singing was mandatory
  • 1
    @dontbeevil No, not with my eye sight. I have windows machine at zoom 200% and I still can't read file names.
  • 1
    @hjk101 On that, I agree.

    I STILL use a total comander , which is just nc on DOS machine or mc on any modern limux machine.

    Well, I would love to find the same supporting SSH (No not the firsrt search on google, it's shitty, already tried).
  • 1
    @NoToJavaScript don't have experience with it but there is a sftp plug-in for total commander of is that not what you mean with ssh support?
  • 1
    @hjk101 Sftp built in now.

    Edit : After checking, it seems my statement is wrong.

    FTPS : yes.

    SFTP I didn't find an option (Was looking for only 3 minutes lol)


    EDIT 2, juste 2 minutes later.

    I was using Total commander since version 3. I never read the patch notes. So more than 11 years of usage.

    I JUST NOW found out where is a plugin system.

    And SFTP is on it :


    Yes thier website looks EXACTLY like when I started using it
  • 0
    @NoToJavaScript damn I should have plugged the link. Completely assumed you were aware that there is a plug-in system. Glad you found it though.
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