
Someone should definitely collect all the rants of devRant and fine tune an existing model with that data so it’s able to produce new rants. I wonder what it would come up with 🤔

  • 17
    if you use a bad model, something similar to AoK
  • 1
    Why are you trying to turn this place into Twitter or Reddit?
  • 6
    @tosensei Oh god, imagining training an AI solely on AoK's rants. That would be fabulous xD
  • 2
    The quality of the output heavily depends on whether you include the extreme outliers in the training set.
  • 9
    @SoldierOfCode that'd add a new layer of difficulty to root's drinking game. "is it AoK, kiki or a bot?"
  • 1
    @darksideofyay Not sure if that makes the game worse... Or Better xD xD xD

    @Root care to solve that riddle?
  • 0
    @darksideofyay well "is it AoK" is the easy mode. his posts are trivial to spot.
  • 3
    "Write an angry software developer's rant in the style of user @root on devRant"

    "Why do we always have to reinvent the wheel?! It's like every time I try to use a library or framework, there's always some stupid issue that makes it completely unusable. And don't even get me started on the documentation. Who writes this crap?! It's like they have no idea how to actually explain things in a way that makes sense. I swear, every time I have to deal with this garbage, I just want to throw my computer out the window. I've been in this industry for years and it's just getting worse and worse. When is someone going to just build something that actually works and doesn't require jumping through hoops just to get a simple task done? I'm so sick of this."

    I'm just a 🤡, take it up with openAI for any inconsistencies!
  • 1
    @fullstackclown ... bloody hell that's accurate.


    Definitely some influences from @Fast-Nop there: reinventing the wheel, throwing the computer out the window. But the rest is totally accurate for me.
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