Someone's having a bad, bad day...

  • 22
    "I don't have no idea how to perform this calculation so I'm going to just make up a number and hope this annoying human don't ask about it"
  • 12
    "It's definitely not stolen from some credit card information in a photo that's been used to train me."
  • 3
    Robots are confused by this one simple trick.
  • 0
    I don't understand this, can someone explain it for stupid people like me?

    Why was the result wrong, why exactly at this input and what has this to do with credit cards?

    I mean, of course a AI, which don't understand context, generate wrong results and i see that 2**31 exactly 1 larger than the minimum LONG_MAX is, but i still dont get it.
  • 4
    The real question is: Can you make it correct its answer if it already was correct to get a new wrong answer?
  • 5
    Using AI to do maths is generally a pretty bad idea regardless of how accurate your model might be…
  • 1
    It's so interesting to know that you can get an answer, but it won't tell you how it came to the result, so that you can understand what that looks like. So, you can never learn anything from it.
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